"2D Non-Hermitian Skin effect in ultracold fermions" Nature 2025
2025-01-09 Physicists achieve simulation of non-Hermitian skin effect in 2D with ultracold fermions
2025-01-09 HKUST Researchers Break New Ground in 2D Non-Hermitian Skin Effect scienmag
2025-01-09 HKUST-led research pioneers simulation of non-Hermitian skin effect Eurekalert
2025-01-09 HKUST Researchers Break New Ground in 2D Non-Hermitian Skin Effect Bioengineer
2025-01-11 Hong Kong scientists achieve a global first in quantum physics simulation Croucher Foundation
"Quantum Physicists take a cold hard look at atoms"
2022-05-19 Croucher Foundation [link]
"Chiral control of quantum states in non-Hermitian spin-orbit-coupled fermions" Nature Physics 2022
Highlighted in News and Views, Nature Physics
2022-01-24 HKUST researchers find new way of gaining quantum control from loss Scienmag
2022-01-24 Researchers find new way of gaining quantum control from loss MirageNews
2022-01-24 HKUST researchers find new way of gaining quantum control from loss EurekAlert
2022-01-24 HKUST researchers find new way of gaining quantum control from loss HKUST
2022-01-24 Researchers find new way of gaining quantum control from loss
2022-01-24 Research Offers a New Way Towards the Realization of Unprecedented Quantum States AzoQuantum
2022-01-24 New way of gaining quantum control from loss ScienceDaily
2022-01-24 港科大研究人员从粒子损失中获得量子控制的新方法
2022-01-24 港科大研究人员从粒子损失中获得量子控制的新方法
"Evidence for bosonization in a three-dimensional gas of SU(N) Fermions" PRX 2020
2020-12-18 Les quanta de physiciens simulent un système dans lequel les fermions aux saveurs multiples se comportent comme des bosons Genius Science
2020-12-17 Physicists Quantum Simulate a System in which Fermions with Multiple Flavors Behave Like Bosons HKUST news
2020-12-17 Physicists quantum simulate a system in which fermions with multiple flavors behave like bosons
2020-12-17 Physicists quantum simulate a system in which fermions with multiple flavors behave like bosons
2020-12-16 Physicists quantum simulate a system in which fermions with multiple flavors behave like bosons EurekAlert
"All optical neural network with nonlinear activation functions" Optica 2019
2019-09-11 HKUST Researchers Build the World’s First All-Optical Multilayer Neural Network Paving Way for Next Generation of AI Hardware HKUST news
2019-08-29 Researchers Demonstrate All-Optical Neural Network for Deep Learning OPTICA (OSA)
2019-08-29 Researchers demonstrate all-optical neural network for deep learning
"Observation of nodal-line semimetal with ultracold fermions in an optical lattice" Nature Physics 2019
2019-09-19 World first for ultracold quantum simulation Croucher Foundation News
2019-09-02 量子材料中心刘雄军组及合作者在Nature Physics发表超冷原子中三维拓扑能带的表征和观测 PKU news
2019-08-19 HKUST-led Research Team Unveils Groundbreaking Quantum Simulation of 3D Topological Matter with Ultracold Atoms HKUST news
2019-08-19 Scientists unveil first quantum simulation of 3-D topological matter with ultracold atoms
2019-08-19 HKUST-PKU unveiled first quantum simulation of 3D topological matter with ultracold atoms EurekAlert
2019-08-19 First quantum simulation of 3D topological matter with ultracold atoms ScienceDaily
2019-08-19 HKUST-Led Research Team Unveils Groundbreaking Quantum Simulation Of 3D Topological Matter With Ultracold Atoms PhotonicsOnline
2019-08-19 First quantum simulation of 3D topological matter with ultracold atoms Nanowerk
"Observation of symmetry-protected topological band with ultracold fermions" Science Advances 2018
2018-03-23 量子材料中心刘雄军组和合作者在Science子刊发表一维对称保护拓扑物态研究成果 Sina
2018-03-23 量子材料中心刘雄军组和合作者在Science子刊发表一维对称保护拓扑物态研究成果 PKUnews
2018-03-14 HKUST-PKU physicists quantum simulate topological materials with ultracold atoms
2018-03-14 HKUST-PKU physicists quantum simulate topological materials with ultracold atoms EurekAlert
2018-03-14 HKUST-PKU physicists quantum simulate topological materials with ultracold atoms ScienceDaily
2018-03-14 HKUST-PKU physicists quantum simulate topological materials with ultracold atoms ScienceNewLine,
Croucher Innovation Awards 2016
2016-04-15 裘槎科研獎:科大曹圭鵬研超冷原子揚威 wenweipo
2016-04-15 致力發掘新物質 科大學者獲獎 Ulifestyle
2016-04-14 HKUST Physicist Prof Gyu Boong Jo Wins Croucher Innovation Award 2016 HKUST